
Dæhlie er en del av Active Brands, og du finner mer informasjon om hvordan vi tar hensyn til bærekraft i verdikjeden vår, sikrer aktsomhetsvurderinger og overvåker fokusområder på


The processes of transforming raw materials into finished product involves several phases, some having a high degree of automation and little human labour, while others are labour-intense and require manual labour. Especially the phases for textiles and apparel in the assembling stage and production of certain raw materials such as cotton, have particular labour-intense stages.

The global supply chain in the apparel and footwear sector is an important source of employment, especially for women who may face barriers to accessing paid employment. In 2019 the global textile and garment sector provided employment for approximately 91 million workers, of whom 50 million were women. Specifically in the garment manufacturing stage about 80% are women, making it the largest employer of women across all industries.


The industry has great potential to positively impact millions of people, particularly women’s lives. At the same time the global supply chain poses risks of challenging working conditions and a lack of labour rights, which have been well-documented in the industry. At B Dæhlie, we are committed to working only with supply chain partners who uphold high standard and addresses potential issues that may affect the well-being of people involved in making our products. It is our priority to ensure that everyone involved in the production of our products is treated fairly, which will benefit both individuals and our business relationships in the long run.

At B Dæhlie we take a multifaceted approach to assure we live up to our commitment to protect human rights across our value chain. All our direct and nominated suppliers, including both assembling and material manufactures, have signed and agreed to our code of conduct. The supplier code of conduct is founded on key recognized international frameworks, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor Organizations (ILO) International Labor Standards, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (

link to AB site for the full COC


We take pride in our stable and reliable supply chain, which is supported by our long-standing relationships with our partners. Our sourcing office in Shanghai closely manages these partnerships, and our team engages in daily dialogues with our supply chain partners while also making regular visits to their facilities to ensure a seamless and efficient dialogue. We are monitoring and making improvements among suppliers partly by third-party social audits, and partly by self-assessments and social dialogue. For audits we are utilizing the Amfori BSCI standard, which all our key suppliers are enrolled at.

We are sharing all assembling partners and key material supplier via Open Supply Hub (


) Open Supply Hub (OS Hub) is an accessible, collaborative,


ILO “The state of the apparel and footwear industry: Employment, automation and their gender dimensions”, January 2022


The Ethical Trade Norway organization serves as a resource center and driving force for promoting sustainable business practices that safeguard human and employee rights, society, animals, and the environment. We have been a member of Ethical Trade Norway since 2014.

The Ethical Trade Organization also offers several trainings and webinars throughout the year. They organize working groups for specific topics and connect us with relevant organizations that possess expertise in those areas.


Amfori is a leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. They empower 2,400 companies to operate as successful and sustainable businesses by helping them monitor and improve the social and environmental performance of their supply chain. This is achieved through a neutral and apolitical engagement environment that enables them to operate efficiently and responsibly. We have been members of Amfori since 2014 and we have been working on rolling out Amfori’s Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) standard among our supply chain partners.

In addition to being an important tool for identifying challenges and assessing the social and environmental performance of our supply chain partners, Amfori is also a valuable resource partner that helps us stay up-to-date on local challenges and connects us with experts and peer companies that share our suppliers.

For B Dæhlie’s report on the The Norwegian Transparency Act, please refer to our parent company’s report found HERE